The Profile Security Database is the Security Issue Database's web-based interface that receives data points associated with mutual funds from the SEC's EDGAR system and compares them to existing Profile information to help ensure accuracy.

Fund companies use the web interface to review and update their existing Profile data. Its hierarchical structure (management company level, share class level, fund portfolio level, and security issue ID level) streamlines information input by Funds, automatically populating other applicable levels, eliminating repetitive entries.


Setting Up Initial Data and Processing Variances

To use Profile Security, a Fund must set up its initial data.

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profsec coverpage

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profsec variance


Not in Document Data Points

There are prescribed data points that are in Profile Security but not in the dcouments filed with the SEC. These NID data points need to be verified for accuracy on a regular schedule, not to exceed 365 days. 

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profsec nid cover


Custom Extract Reports

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profsec customextract cover


Record Layouts and Data Dictionary

Profile Security Data Dictionary

April 30, 2024

Profile Security Redesign Fixed Length Record Layouts

April 01, 2024

Profile Security Redesign Variable Length Record Layouts

April 01, 2024

Specification Reports Data Dictionary

July 07, 2023


User Guides

MFPS II Profile Security - Not in Document Report User Guide

June 11, 2024

Mutual Fund Profile Service II - Security Database Web User Guide

May 31, 2017

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