View the current NSCC file formats and master files for CNS. Log in to view all of the content available in the Learning Center.
Click to access and download the NSCC file formats for CNS.
Note: For access to the CNS Projection (Midday) MRO: AutoRoute ID 02042358 and CNS Projection (Midday) CSV: AutoRoute ID 02042366 files, see the UST1 site.
CNS Intraday ISO 15022 Message Format

CNS Opening Position Prior to Day Cycle: AutoRoute ID 02040949

CNS Miscellaneous Activity (Extended) MRO: AutoRoute ID 02040343 (Night) and 02040331 (Day)

CNS Opening Position Prior to Night Cycle: AutoRoute 02040951

CNS Projection (Midday): AutoRoute ID 02042358

CNS Projection (Midday) CSV: AutoRoute ID 02042366

CNS Seg Exemption Input: DataTrak ID 06121 - Original and Y2K Format

CNS Fully Paid Input: DataTrak ID 06351 - Y2K Format

CNS Account Summary: AutoRoute ID 02042024

CNS Projection Report: AutoRoute 02042022

CNS Buy-In Activity: AutoRoute ID 02040890

CNS Night Settlement Activity: AutoRoute ID 02042023 (Night) and 02041234 (Day)

CNS® Miscellaneous Activity: AutoRoute 02042008 (Night) and 02041236 (Day)

CNS Due Bill Activity MRO: AutoRoute ID 02040786

CNS Dividend Activity MRO: AutoRoute ID 02040787

CNS Balance Order MRO: AutoRoute ID 02040996

Click to access and download the CNS master files.
CNS® Equity Master File - Production AutoRoute ID: 02040290

CNS® Broker Master File for AutoRoute ID: 02040018

CNS® Bond Security File for AutoRoute ID 02040254 (Weekly) and 02040257 (Monthly)

CNS® Reorganization Master File for AutoRoute ID: 02042251