The SFT Clearing service, a National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) product, is a central clearing and settlement service for overnight borrows and loans of equity securities (collectively SFTs). Log in to view information about how to access and use the Securities Financing Transaction (SFT) Clearing service. 

SFT Clearing General User Guide

June 14, 2024

SFT Clearing Dashboard Guide

April 15, 2021

SFT Clearing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

View frequently asked questions about the SFT Clearing service, including how to access the service. Learn more about the participant roles, system and operational flow, and billing and tax reporting. DTCC is committed to provide informative and responsive information regarding the Securities Financing Transaction (SFT) Clearing service. 
May 28, 2024

NSCC SFT Clearing Sponsored Program - Default Scenarios

View what could happen, pursuant to the Rules and Procedures (the “Rules”) of the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”), to a Sponsored Member’s Securities Financing Transaction (“SFT”) positions arising from Sponsored Member Transactions upon a default of NSCC, a Sponsoring Member, or a Sponsored Member.
March 10, 2023

SFT Clearing Testing Guide

May 28, 2024

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