The DTCC Networking system is a centralized and standardized data communications system for the exchange of customer account-level activity. Networking is the industry standard product for exchanging mutual fund customer account maintenance and reporting. The Networking system allows non-trade-related client information to appear identically on the records of:
- Firms and Funds
- Transfer agents for Firms and Funds
The Networking system provides a controlled environment in which Firms and Funds can exchange timely and accurate information about their customers.
Record Layouts
Networking Account Conversion / Update & Transfer / Acknowledgement Record Layouts

Networking Activity Reporting Record Layouts

Networking Dividend Reporting Record Layout

Networking General Record Layouts

Networking Position Reporting Record Layouts

Networking Share Aging Record Layouts

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Retirement Plan Reporting (RPR)
Retirement Plan Reporting allows information such as Plan identifiers, fiduciary, broker/dealer, plan assets, activity and product type to be exchanged between parties for 401(k), 403(b), Money Purchase, Deferred Compensation, Defined Benefit and many other types of retirement plans.
Standardized Data Reporting (SDR)
Standardized Data Reporting (SDR) enables Fund companies and insurance carriers to request and obtain shareholder identity and trading information from firms on two levels:
- At the summary-data level, where information is passed for super-omnibus accounts which are composed of multiple plans, trusts and/or investor omnibus accounts. This information may include account numbers and the dollar value of all shareholder buys and sells.
- At the detail data level, where information is passed on a specific account or at the shareholder-trading level.