Attachments (ATT)

Welcome! In this section of the Learning Center you will find resources to support your use of the Attachments (ATT) service. To find the content you need, either use the Search field, view the relevant topics below or browse all learning content from Resources.

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An ‘attachment’ is any large mass of unstructured data, for example, the binary representation of a form, imaged data such as a scanned document, or data that is intended to ‘pass through’ the DTCC network without edit from Sender to Receiver (e.g., a private stream of data; either private delimited data or XML document). This attachment data may to be in support of one of the existing DTCC Insurance & Retirement Service messages (XML or Flat File) or may be independent of the suite of messages DTCC currently supports.


Using either a traditional secured network connection or via the Access platform, participating companies can send attachments to their counterparties and obtain real-time status reports from the Messaging Dashboard.

 Attachments Schematics



Attachments AccessSM

The following guide shows you how to use the Attachments AccessSM application, a web interface, that allows you to input and exchange data through attachments with your trading partners.

  pdf Attachments Access User and Implementation Guide (1.98 MB)

Messaging Dashboard

The following guide shows you how to log in and use the Messaging Dashboard application. The Messaging Dashboard application allows users to search for messages or send simulated messages for Fund Transfers, Attachments, Withdrawals, and Arrangements.

pdf Messaging Dashboard Quick Reference Guide (1.15 MB)


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Messaging Dashboard Quick Reference Guide

This guide will show you how to log in and use the Messaging Dashboard application.
April 09, 2020
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