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CA Web Service

DTCC's CA Web Service offers a near-real-time, consolidated source for DTC-eligible announcements in a feature-rich browser.

DTCC’s CA Web Service offers a robust array of features to help identify business-critical announcements. The service provides the ability to view the most vital information on a single platform. User-configured dashboards for Distributions, Redemptions, and Reorganizations enable custom data views. This organized and simplified data hub provides an up-to-the-minute snapshot of important announcements for:

  • Distributions, including cash and stock dividends, principal and interest payments, and capital gain distrubtions.

  • Redemptions,  including full and partial calls, finaly paydowns, and maturities.

  • Reorganizations, including exchange offers, conversions, and Dutch Auctions.

DTCC CA Web Service workflow

CA Web Effective Data Challenge

This troubleshooting workflow provides a step-by-step guide to answer common client questions related to the DTCC CA Web service. Please review these steps relating to Asset Services prior to submitting a formal challenge.

Data Services: Corporate Action (CA) Effective Data Challenge

Before submitting an inquiry to client services, please review these steps to assist with frequently asked questions relating to Asset Services and the requirements for submitting a formal challenge.
December 10, 2023

CA Web Video Series

These videos were created to help you perform tasks in CA Web as a Data Services user.

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CA Web for Data Services: Conduct an Advanced Search

In this video, learn how to conduct custom and advanced searches.
December 26, 2023

CA Web for Data Services: Navigate the CA Web Dashboard

In this video, learn how to navigate the dashboard, set user preferences and conduct quick searches.
December 26, 2023

CA Web for Data Services: Manage Corporate Action events

In this video, learn how navigate the events and view details related to corporate action events. 
December 26, 2023

Data Services: Corporate Action (CA) Effective Data Challenge

Before submitting an inquiry to client services, please review these steps to assist with frequently asked questions relating to Asset Services and the requirements for submitting a formal challenge.
December 10, 2023

CA Web for Data Services: Create Watchlists

In this video, learn how to create a watchlist and perform a search using your watchlist.
October 25, 2023

CA Web for Data Services: Perform Factor Searches

In this video, learn how to peform a Factor Search in CA Web.
January 11, 2022
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