Log in to view the NSCC file formats for ACATS that consist of fixed and variable input and output formats.
Note: DTCC is modernizing the client interfaces that firms use to communicate with the ACATS systems. The client interface enhancements also include features to process 529 accounts transfers through the ACATS Fund/SERV® service. To access resources for these client interface enhancements, see the ACATS Projects section.
Click to access the ACATS input and output JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formats, schema, and sample JSONs.
View the JSON input formats that are supported with the API Marketplace or Message Queue (MQ) specifications.
ACATS Asset Input JSON Format (Legacy AT)

ACATS Transfer Input JSON Format (Legacy TI)

ACATS Mutual Fund Registration Input JSON Format (Legacy FR)

ACATS Ingress Schema

View the JSON output formats that are supported only through MQ.
ACATS Egress Schema

ACATS Multicycle/End-of-Day MQ Output Format

ACATS Position MQ Output Format

ACATS Settlement MQ Output Format

ACATS Insurance Statistics MQ Output Format

ACATS Interface Rejects MQ Output Format

ACATS Fund/SERV Statistics MQ Output Format

View the sample JSONs available in PDF or by downloading the zip containing the following samples:
- Multicycle Transaction Sample JSON
- End-of-Day Transaction Sample JSON
- Position Sample JSON
- Settlement Sample JSON
- Insurance Statistics Sample JSON
- Interface Rejects Sample JSON
- Fund/SERV Statistics Sample JSON
- End of Message (EOM) Notification Sample JSON
See Also: View sample requests and responses in the ACATS Message Queue (MQ) Guide. For detailed information about the JSON input structure and usage, see DTCC API Marketplace.

ACATS Sample JSONs - Zip

Click to view the network connectivity guide that provides the ACATS URLs in the PSE and production environments.
Network Connectivity for ACATS Modernization

Click to access and download the legacy fixed and variable input formats for ACATS.
ACATS Asset Input (AT) RJE - Fixed (DATATRAK SYSID: 32667)

ACATS Transfer Input (TI) RJE - Fixed (DATATRAK SYSID: 32667)

ACATS Mutual Fund Registration Input (FR) RJE - Fixed (DATATRAK SYSID: 32667)

ACATS Insurance Registration Input (IR) RJE - Fixed (DATATRAK SYSID: 32667)

ACATS Asset Input (AT) - Variable (DATATRAK SYSID: 36667)

ACATS Transfer Input (TI) - Variable (DATATRAK SYSID: 36667)

ACATS Mutual Fund Registration Input (FR) - Variable (DATATRAK SYSID: 36667)

ACATS Insurance Registration Input (IR) - Variable (DATATRAK SYSID: 36667)

Click to access and download the legacy fixed and variable output formats for ACATS.
Note: DTCC is providing a temporary hybrid solution to firms that need to submit transactions through JSON messages but continue to receive multicycle egress through the legacy fixed or variable formats. For more information, see the ACATS Hybrid Transaction Reference Solution resource in the ACATS Client Interface Modernization section.
ACATS Participant Master File MRO: AutoRoute ID 02090068

ACATS Multicycle Transaction MRO/End-of-Day Transaction MRO - Fixed (AutoRoute: 02090722, 02090723)

ACATS Output Position - Fixed (AutoRoute Prod: 02090724)

ACATS Output Settlement - Fixed (AutoRoute Prod: 02090725)

ACATS Output Interface Rejects - Fixed (AutoRoute Prod: 02090727)

ACATS Reversal MRO Comma Delimited File Output - Fixed (AutoRoute Prod: 02091657)

ACATS Output Fund/SERV Statistics - Fixed (AutoRoute Prod: 02091499)

ACATS Output Insurance Statistics - Fixed (AutoRoute Prod: 02090726)

ACATS Mutual Fund Reversal Comma Delimited File Output - Fixed (AutoRoute Prod: 02091077)

ACATS Multicycle Transaction MRO/End of Day Transaction MRO - Variable

ACATS Output Position - Variable

ACATS Output Settlement - Variable

ACATS Output Fund/SERV Statistics - Variable

ACATS Output Insurance Statistics - Variable

CNS ACATS Ineligible Security Reject Files/CNS ACATS EOD Fail File

ACATS Output Interface Rejects - Variable

ACATS Reversal Output - Variable

ACATS Mutual Fund Reversal Output - Variable