Asset Services

Welcome! The Asset Services section of the DTCC Learning Center is where you will find the resources you need to maximize your use of DTCC’s Asset Services offerings. Use Infographics like the one below, Quick Links, Recommended Resources, the Resources tab, and Search to make your learning journey a rewarding one. Remember to login to see all available content.

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The Asset Services Learning Center is dedicated to helping you get the most from DTCC's Underwriting Services, Securities Processing solutions (such as the Securities Processing Application) and other Asset Services such as Corporate Actions Processing, Global Tax Services and Issuer Services. You'll also find Agent Services resources to assist FAST Agents in the Asset Services Learning Center.

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The Resources tabs in the Asset Services section of this Learning Center provide access to all learning resources (documents, videos, etc.) available for a service and its sub-products. For a view pre-filtered to show learning resources specific to a product, view the Resources tab for that product.

DTC Loss Allocation Overview


Underwriting is the entry point for depository and book-entry transfer services at The Depository Trust Company (DTC). UW Source is the system that gives you access to Underwriting functions. The Underwriting Central (UWC) application integrates data validation, electronic vaulting, and e-signatures to create a better experience for brokers and issuers. It improves upon UW Source with a more streamlined user interface, fewer operational touch-points, improved data quality, and added transparency into the DTC eligibility life cycle.
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Through its suite of Securities Processing services The Depository Trust Company (DTC) provides its participant firms a range of safekeeping and processing services for various types of securities. Securities Processing services deliver efficient and cost-effective solutions for deposits, withdrawals, electronic direct registration and custody.
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The Corporate Actions Processing section contains learning resources about the Depository Trust Company's (DTC) wide array of services for processing corporate action events for approximately 1.3 million active DTC-eligible securities. These services include announcing details of upcoming events and providing participants with information about their entitlements, accepting and acting on their instructions, and collecting, allocating, and reporting payments across various corporate action event types, including distributions, redemptions, and reorganizations. Click the View Section link below to learn more about these event types as well as ClaimConnect, CA Web and ISO 20022 Messaging.
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DTC's Issuer Services provide an array of central communication and information resources for depository-eligible securities that facilitate outreach by issuers to shareholders. Through its efficient, cost-effective and risk-mitigating offerings, Issuer Services help achieve timely and accurate communication among interested parties with respect to securities held and serviced at DTC.
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Global Tax Services offers a variety of services for both domestic and international clients including services to provide tax relief on non-U.S. securities, withholding tax services on U.S.-sourced income paid to non-U.S. institutions and a tax reporting data service. Tax Service offerings include DTC TaxRelief, U.S. Tax Withholding Service, Domestic Tax Reporting Service (DTax), DTCC’s 305(c) Tax Event Announcements, and DTCC’s 871(m) Tax Event Announcements. Be sure you are logged in to your Learning Center user account to view all of the available information in the Global Tax Services section.
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The Agent Services section of this Learning Center facilitates communication with the agent community by providing information and reference documentation that is necessary to interact with The Depository Trust Company (DTC). It offers resources for FAST Agents, assumes you have familiarized yourself with the relevant information available on and are either ready to apply for FAST Agent membership or are already a FAST Agent and are seeking resources to assist you in that function. In the latter case, be sure to check out the Featured Content links to the right. Be sure you are logged in to your Learning Center user account to view all of the available information in the Agent Services section.
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The following library constitutes the CCF (Computer to Computer File Transmission) record formats for DTC Asset Services and DTC Masterfile products.


The following library constitutes the PTS (Participant Terminal Systems) library. Click a link in the left column to download a PTS Function guide relevant to Asset Services.


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Overview of Securities Processing: Deposits & Withdrawals

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet mauris ac purus imperdiet accumsan id sed nisi. Donec ut pulvinar arcu.

An Overview of CA Web

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ClaimConnect (TM) User Guide

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SPR Registration User Guide

The primary purpose of this user guide is to familiarize clients with Security Position Reports registration. This guide is not intended to serve as a legal document. No statement in this guide should be construed as a legally binding rule or regulation, or as creating an obligation on the part of DTCC or any of its subsidiaries. In addition, any time schedules or time requirements set forth herein are subject to change without notice.Topics include: Registration for New Company / New User, set up payment via EPY, add a CUSIP to SPR, technology information.
Modified March 21, 2025

Security Position Reports (SPR) Online Help

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Underwriting Central (UWC) Help

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ClaimConnect™ On-Boarding Guide

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ClaimConnect™ Settlement Quick Help

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Underwriting Central (UWC) Quick Guide (MMI)

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Securities Processing Participant Help

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Securities Processing Application - Agent Help

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SPA Securities Processing Application - Participant Help

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ISO 20022 Messaging for Distributions Instructions

Presents general ISO 20022 messaging information as well as information about specific messages, timing, scenarios by event type, message triggers, and event type correspondences.
December 19, 2024

AnnounceDirect Help

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ClaimConnect™ Demo

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ClaimConnect (TM) Batch Upload Quick Reference Guide

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ISO 20022 Messaging for Reorganizations Instructions

Presents general ISO 20022 messaging information as well as information about specific messages, timing, scenarios by event type, message triggers, and event type correspondences.
November 13, 2024

DTC Loss Allocation Overview - Part 1

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DTC Loss Allocation Overview - Part 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet mauris ac purus imperdiet accumsan id sed nisi. Donec ut pulvinar arcu.

Issuer Agent Portal - Submitting Legal and Tax Notices

Learn how to submit Legal and Tax Notices to the Issuer Agent Portal.
November 07, 2024

Issuer Agent Portal - Submitting Transfer Agent 17Ad-16 Notices

Learn how to submit Transfer Agent 17Ad-16 Notices to the Issuer Agent Portal.
November 07, 2024

Corporate Trust Services - Securities Processing for FAST Agents

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ISO 20022 Messaging Subscription Options for Corporate Actions

This document provides ISO 20022 Messaging Subscription Options for Corporate Actions.
October 01, 2024

Asset Services: REDCAL (9.24) Redemption Call Processing

This function allows Agent banks to communicate Redemption Call notices to DTC.
September 17, 2024
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