Defined Contribution Clearance & Settlement (DCC&S)

Defined Contribution Clearance & Settlement (DCC&S) streamlines purchase, redemption, and exchange transactions in defined contribution and other retirement plans for mutual fund and insurance companies, third-party administrators (TPAs), plan trustees, plan administrators, broker/dealers and other distribution firms.

On this page

The NSCC Defined Contribution Interface enables the Third Party administrator (TPA)/Settling Entity relationship to function within Fund/SERV® and Networking.

The Fund, Settling Entity, insurance companies, and TPA can share the following information exchanged through Fund/SERV® and Networking:

  • Trade information
  • Account activity
  • Position balances
  • Dividends information

Client Roles

Client roles are determined by the following trading arrangements:

Dual-Party Trading - This trading arrangement assumes that a bank/trust company, broker/dealer, or insurance company, acting as record keeper for the plan, submits Fund/SERV® transactions. Submission of these transactions obligates the submitting party for settlement. DCCS Schematic
Tri-Party Trading - This trading arrangement assumes that an NSCC TPA member, acting as record keeper for the plan, submits Fund/SERV® transactions. Submission of these transactions obligates the bank/trust company, insurance company, or a broker/dealer for settlement. DCCS Tri Schematic


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Defined Contribution Clearance & Settlement (DCC&S): Best Practices

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Defined Contribution Activity Type Codes

The codes within this document are used in conjunction with the Defined Contribution Trade Activity Summary Record Type 002 to specify the breakout of contribution activity.
April 10, 2024

DCC&S Contact List

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