OTC Direct Connect

DTCC’s OTC Direct Connect provides subscribers with a systematic delivery mechanism for OTC derivatives transaction data published on DTCC Data Repository (U.S.) LLC’s (DDR) public price dissemination dashboard (PPD Dashboard).

DTCC’s OTC Direct Connect provides subscribers with a systematic delivery mechanism for OTC derivatives transaction data. Investment professionals, data vendors, and business support teams who are active in the derivatives markets now have access to a fast, frictionless, and secure data delivery solution that enables subscribers to manage market risks and trading risk factors in near real-time. DTCC’s OTC Direct Connect is an independent offering of DTCC Solutions LLC and is not a service offering of DDR.


  • Firms report OTC derivatives transaction and pricing data to DDR.
  • DDR posts the reported data to the PPD Dashboard for public dissemination.
  • OTC Direct Connect subscribers receive data immediately after public dissemination via AWS Data Exchange.


Data Services: OTC Direct Connect User Guide

January 02, 2024

Data Services: OTC Direct Connect Sample Data

Modified June 26, 2024

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Data Services: OTC Direct Connect Sample Data

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Data Services: OTC Direct Connect User Guide

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