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ETF T0 Release

On May 28, 2024, NSCC successfully launched Phase 1 of the T0 Create/Redeem cycle with submission of a Cash Collateral Amount (buffer) and EOD Collateral Cash Adjustment (true-up). NSCC is planning to release Phase 2 to PSE/U on July 9, 2024 and to production on July 25, 2024. The first official trading date is targeted for Friday, July 26, 2024. Review the following ETF T0 content that reflects the improvements for this release:

Client Business Requirements for Phase 2: T0 Same Day Settling Create/Redeem Cycle With End of Day Cash True-up

Modified July 03, 2024

Test Guidelines for Phase 2: ETF T0 Same Day Settling Create/Redeem Cycle With End of Day Cash True-up

Modified July 03, 2024

ETF T0 Release: Enhanced ETF Create and Redeem Instruction Input MRO: DATATRAK Production 11300/PSE 41300

December 29, 2023

ETF T0 Release: Enhanced ETF Create and Redeem Instruction Data Output (MRO): AutoRoute Production 02261254/PSE 02981254

Modified July 03, 2024

ETF T0 Release: Message Codes

May 23, 2024

T+1 Settlement Cycle Release

DTCC accelerated the settlement cycle to T+1 to implement key operational enhancements.

NSCC Primary Market Create/Redeem Functional Requirements

January 26, 2023

T+1: UTC Common Trade FIX Output Format

May 28, 2024

ETF T+1: UTC Intraday MRO Trade Capture Data Output File: AutoRoute Production 02081673/Test 02981673

May 17, 2024

T+1: ETF Message Codes

May 23, 2024

Further Resources 

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