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ETF T0 Release
NSCC successfully launched Phase 1 (May 2024) and Phase 2 (July 2024) of the T0 Create/Redeem cycle with submission of a Cash Collateral Amount (buffer) and EOD Collateral Cash Adjustment (true-up). Review the following ETF T0 content that reflects the improvements for this release:
Client Business Requirements for Phase 2: T0 Same Day Settling Create/Redeem Cycle With End of Day Cash True-up
Test Guidelines for Phase 2: ETF T0 Same Day Settling Create/Redeem Cycle With End of Day Cash True-up
ETF T0 Release: Enhanced ETF Create and Redeem Instruction Input MRO: DATATRAK Production 11300/PSE 41300
ETF T0 Release: Enhanced ETF Create and Redeem Instruction Data Output (MRO): AutoRoute Production 02261254/PSE 02981254
ETF T0 Release: Message Codes
T+1 Settlement Cycle Release
DTCC accelerated the settlement cycle to T+1 to implement key operational enhancements.