GTR UK EMIR Refit 30 September 

Welcome to the UK EMIR Refit page. The Refit went live on 30 September 2024.

Working Group Registration

Register to attend the bi-weekly GTR EMIR Working Group call. 

GTR UK EMIR Service Help

Open the UK EMIR Service Help for end-to-end resources, including: 

  • GTR UK EMIR Refit Resources provides a comprehensive list of important documents associated with the UK EMIR Refit.
  • GTR UK EMIR Refit Release Roadmap outlines the timeline and milestones related to the GTR UK EMIR Refit initiative, including release dates, high-level milestones, and Client Journey specifics.
  • Data Submission explains essential concepts about how to create a trade submission message to report your OTC trade data. The information available includes topics such as choosing a template, submitting a trade, and the key/mandatory fields you need to populate.
  • Report Specifications: See Intraday Allege Activity Report Specification and EOD Allege Trade State Report.
  • Portal provides instructions on use of functional components of the GTR Portal to search your trade data and download your GTR End of Day Reports.
  • FAQs provides answers to common questions regarding the UK EMIR Refit. 
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