Welcome to the DTCC Connectivity Document Repository.

On this page, you will find:

  • Supporting documentation regarding DTCC's Connectivity requirements and features.
  • Forms needed to establish connectivity for DTCC's Repository & Derivative Services. To submit a connectivity request for all other DTCC products, go to the MyDTCC portal, click Support, and then click Connectivity Management.
  • Forms needed to request data delivery for DTCC's Repository & Derivative Services.

Documents are segregated by DTCC Products & Services and Protocol. It is recommended that you utilize the search function to locate the documents specific to the DTCC Products & Services and Protocol.

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Connectivity Documentation

For easier browsing, adjust the number of documents displayed, or use Search to filter out the documents in the table. For instance, if you are connecting via sFTP for GTR, search for sFTP GTR.


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