T+1 and ITP

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On May 28, 2024, the implementation date for the move to T+1 settlement for transactions in US cash equities, corporate debt, and unit investment trusts will go into effect. In addition to this change in the settlement cycle, DTCC ITP Matching (US) LLC ("ITPM"), which operates CTM® and TradeSuite ID®, an affiliate of DTCC ITP LLC, will become a Central Matching Service Provider (CMSP) that must, under Exchange Act Rule 17Ad-27, establish, implement, maintain and enforce written policies and procedures reasonably designed to facilitate Straight Through Processing (STP).

Refer below to a visual showing how ITP Services support the industry with a T+1 settlement cycle, as well as ITPM's Policies, Procedures and FAQ supporting its CMSP requirements.


 T1 Workflow


ITP Services Overview

Please refer to the below resources to learn how ITP products support a T+1 settlement cycle.


The ALERT® platform is the industry’s largest and most compliant online global database for the maintenance and communication of account and standing settlement instructions (SSI), enabling a global community of investment managers, brokers/dealers, and custodian banks to share account and SSI data accurately and automatically. There are a number of features of ALERT which can be leveraged to facilitate a T+1 settlement cycle:

1.  Enrichment of SSIs: this is the process by which standing settlement instructions (SSIs) and account information from the ALERT platform are added to trades sent for matching to the CTM service. To learn more about SSI Enrichment and the different ways that CTM users can enrich their trades, please refer to SSI Enrichment

2.  ALERT Global Custodian Direct (GC Direct): this workflow automates the exchange of standing settlement instructions (SSIs) between a custodian's central repository and the ALERT host. This enhanced custodian/prime broker access enables the global custodian/prime broker to become the owner and maintainer of the SSI data, effectively creating the "golden copy" of SSI data within the ALERT platform.

Please visit ALERT Global Custodian Direct (GC Direct) to learn more about GCD.  


CTM is a central matching platform used by both buy-side and sell-side clients to centrally match their cross-border and domestic transactions, automating the trade confirmation process across multiple asset classes, and facilitating downstream settlement processes.  When using CTM in conjunction with ALERT, you can automatically enrich trades with account and standing settlement instructions (SSI), ensuring all account information is accurate.

Match to Instruct (M2i) is a workflow in CTM that automatically triggers trade affirmation and the delivery of DTC eligible securities directly to the DTC for settlement when a trade match occurs between an investment manager and executing broker. This workflow eliminates the need for either party to take further action and helps drive a significant increase in Same Day Affirmation (SDA) rates for DTC-eligible trades.  

Please visit Match to Instruct (M2i) to learn more about M2i.  



TradeSuite ID delivers efficiency and cost savings to firms through automated electronic trade agreement between counterparties.  It helps streamline the post-trade process by electronically processing trade messages between all trading and settlement counterparties.

Cutoff Changes – The table below describes the changes TradeSuite ID made to adhere to the timing changes for T+1.  All times are stated in Eastern Time (ET). 

Affirmation Type

T+2 (Pre-May 28, 2024)

T+1 (Effective May 28, 2024)


11:30am on S-1

9:00pm on S-1

Reverse Affirmation

9:30am on S-1

9:00pm on S-1


5:00pm on S-1

5:00pm on SD

Late Affirmation (LMIT)

11:30am on S-1 through 11:30am on SD

9:00pm on S-1 through 11:30am on SD

For more information on the T+1 changes for TradeSuite ID, click here.

It is important that Investment Managers obtain their own TradeSuite ID to automatically affirm trades, resulting in higher SDA rates, which will facilitate compliance with the SEC Rules. It also enables you to have visibility into when a confirm has been received and affirmed.  To apply for your own TradeSuite ID, please visit TradeSuite ID Application Forms.


ITP Data Analytics is an operational performance measurement solution for broker/dealers and investment managers, which provide analytical tools for researching and optimizing the timeliness and accuracy of your trade processing.  Please visit ITP Data Analytics  to learn more about the different analytical reports available. One of the avaialble reports, the T+1 Scorecard, is designed to provide ITP clients with operational performance metrics and industry benchmarking across Enrichment (ALERT), Matching (CTM), and Affirmation (TradeSuite ID) to help clients.

ITPM Policies and Procedures - Documentation

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DTCC ITP Matching (US) LLC (ITPM) Central Matching Service Provider (CMSP) Annual Report

ITPM, as a CMSP, is subject to SEC Rule 17Ad-27, which requires ITPM to provide an Annual Report on its progress and future plans on facilitating Straight-Through Processing (STP).
New February 20, 2025

ITP SMART Network omgeo.net URL Retirement FAQ

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ITP Client Roadmap

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ITP MQ Administrator's Guide

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ITP MQ Programmer's Guide

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ITP SFTP User Guide

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ITP Service Access Using Public Networks

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ITP HTTPS User Guide

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ITP Asset Class Coverage

Provides a matrix of the different asset classes and instrument types that can be processed through the use of the ITP services, ALERT, CTM, TradeSuite ID and Settlement Instruction Manager.
May 28, 2024

DTCC ITP Service-Specific Terms Addendum

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DTCC ITPM Central Matching Service Provider (CMSP) Policy

This policy is the principal document that provides the overarching structure for how ITPM establishes, executes against, governs and complies with its CMSP requirements.
April 26, 2024

DTCC ITP Client Requirement Policy

This policy explains what contractual, onboarding, and eligibility requirements ITP Clients must comply with prior to and upon becoming a Client of ITP.
April 26, 2024

DTCC ITPM's CMSP Requirements and Reporting FAQs

These Frequently Asked Questions outline what a CMSP is, ITPM's obligations as a CMSP, and what this means for Clients.
April 26, 2024

ITP Services Catalog

The ITP Services Catalog details the Services provided by DTCC ITP, including the access methods available, optional workflows and add-on or ancillary services provided.
April 22, 2024

T+1: Why Is It Important to Obtain My Own TradeSuite ID?

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T+1: What Do I Do After Receiving My TradeSuite ID?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet mauris ac purus imperdiet accumsan id sed nisi. Donec ut pulvinar arcu.

T+1: How Do I Fill Out The Form?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet mauris ac purus imperdiet accumsan id sed nisi. Donec ut pulvinar arcu.

T+1: What Is The Difference Between and Institution and An Interested Party? ​

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T+1: What Kind Of TradeSuite ID Should I Get?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet mauris ac purus imperdiet accumsan id sed nisi. Donec ut pulvinar arcu.

T+1: Does Having My Own TradeSuite ID Make Me Self-Affirming??​

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Manage My Services (ITP) Product Help

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ITP Research Commissions: Best Practices

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MyDTCC Quick Reference Guide for Common Tasks

This interactive quick reference guide provides basic instructions to complete the most common tasks using the MyDTCC portal. Tasks include how to: Open a case Manage ITP product users Manage your ALERT Data Authentication settings Check your ITP product status Manage your communication preferences Access Client Lists or Service Level Agreements
December 01, 2022

MyDTCC for ITP Clients - Overview Video

Watch this short video to learn about the the features and functionality available to you with your MyDTCC access, covering how to: - access your ITP products - submit support tickets and access on-demand resources including DTCC Learning content and knowledge articles - access your System Availability Dashboard - manage your communication preferences - access and share files, including client lists and Service Level agreements
November 21, 2022
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