For clients of CTM and TradeSuite ID, ITP offers trade archival services to assist with recordkeeping requirements, while complying with all requirements for retention and safekeeping of electronic confirmations.

Confirm Archive is a real-time, web-based service that allows clients to electronically search and retrieve all trade confirmations in TradeSuite ID or those that have been matched in CTM. Users can log in to the service to access up to 10 years of confirmation history quickly and easily. Confirm Archive streamlines archive management while complying with all requirements for retention and safekeeping of electronic confirmations. 

Trade Archive is an additional service available to our Institutional clients who are subscribers of CTM and TradeSuite ID to assist with amended 204-2 recordkeeping needs.  

For further information, please see DTCC Institutional Trade Processing (ITP) Archival Services FAQ

To get started, click Trade Archive 


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