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CTM UI: Manage Your Trade Exceptions

Target audience: - Broker/dealers and investment managers who use the CTM User Interface (UI) to manage the trades that are sent to CTM from their own internal system (i.e. not using the manual entry functionality)- Users who have limited/no experience with the CTM UICourse description:One of the benefits of the CTM solution is that it allows users to catch trade matching exceptions prior to...
January 14, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

CTM UI: CTM Matching Concepts

Target audience:Broker/dealer and Investment Manager users of CTM User Interface (UI) who are looking to gain a deeper understanding of how the CTM matching process works. Course description:CTM is a central matching solution allowing broker/dealers and investment managers to efficiently match and confirm trade details on trade date, increasing transparency and reducing risk. Understanding how...
January 15, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

Manage My Services for ITP Product Administrators

Target audience:  This webinar is intended for new and existing Product Administrators who are responsible for managing Product and Data Authentication Administrators and users’ access to DTCC systems: MyDTCC and Institutional Trade Processing (ITP) Services. Course description: As a Product Administrator you are responsible for authorizing, administering, monitoring, and revoking access...
January 20, 2025 9:00pm (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

CTM UI: Manually Enter Your Trades

Target audience:- Clients who use the CTM User Interface (UI) to manually enter trades to match with those of their counterparties- Users who have limited/no experience with the CTM UI Course description:CTM is a central matching solution allowing broker/dealers and investment managers to efficiently match and confirm trade details on trade date, increasing transparency and reducing risk....
January 21, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

Manage My Services for ITP Product Administrators

Target audience:  This webinar is intended for new and existing Product Administrators who are responsible for managing Product and Data Authentication Administrators and users’ access to DTCC systems: MyDTCC and Institutional Trade Processing (ITP) Services. Course description: As a Product Administrator you are responsible for authorizing, administering, monitoring, and revoking access...
January 22, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

ALERT: Maintaining SSIs for Sell-Side Clients

Target audience:  Existing and new ALERT sell-side users. Course description: This training session is designed to review, reinforce and upgrade users' existing knowledge of the ALERT platform. Topics covered include an overview of ALERT, managing settlement data, handling invalid or outdated settlement instructions, knowing the best practice guidelines for market instructions to generating...
January 28, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

ALERT: Maintaining SSIs for Buy-Side Clients

Target audience:  Existing ALERT buy-side clients Course description: This training session is designed to review, reinforce and upgrade users' existing knowledge of the ALERT platform. Topics covered include an overview of ALERT, managing settlement data, handling invalid or outdated settlement instructions, knowing the best practice guidelines for market instructions to generating helpful...
January 29, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

CTM UI: CTM Matching Concepts

Target audience:Broker/dealer and Investment Manager users of CTM User Interface (UI) who are looking to gain a deeper understanding of how the CTM matching process works. Course description:CTM is a central matching solution allowing broker/dealers and investment managers to efficiently match and confirm trade details on trade date, increasing transparency and reducing risk. Understanding how...
February 04, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

Manage My Services for ITP Product Administrators

Target audience:  This webinar is intended for new and existing Product Administrators who are responsible for managing Product and Data Authentication Administrators and users’ access to DTCC systems: MyDTCC and Institutional Trade Processing (ITP) Services. Course description: As a Product Administrator you are responsible for authorizing, administering, monitoring, and revoking access...
February 05, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

CTM UI: Manage Your Trade Exceptions

Target audience: - Broker/dealers and investment managers who use the CTM User Interface (UI) to manage the trades that are sent to CTM from their own internal system (i.e. not using the manual entry functionality)- Users who have limited/no experience with the CTM UICourse description:One of the benefits of the CTM solution is that it allows users to catch trade matching exceptions prior to...
February 11, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

Manage My Services for ITP Product Administrators

Target audience:  This webinar is intended for new and existing Product Administrators who are responsible for managing Product and Data Authentication Administrators and users’ access to DTCC systems: MyDTCC and Institutional Trade Processing (ITP) Services. Course description: As a Product Administrator you are responsible for authorizing, administering, monitoring, and revoking access...
February 16, 2025 9:00pm (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

Manage My Services for ITP Product Administrators

Target audience:  This webinar is intended for new and existing Product Administrators who are responsible for managing Product and Data Authentication Administrators and users’ access to DTCC systems: MyDTCC and Institutional Trade Processing (ITP) Services. Course description: As a Product Administrator you are responsible for authorizing, administering, monitoring, and revoking access...
February 18, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

CTM UI: Manually Enter Your Trades

Target audience:- Clients who use the CTM User Interface (UI) to manually enter trades to match with those of their counterparties- Users who have limited/no experience with the CTM UI Course description:CTM is a central matching solution allowing broker/dealers and investment managers to efficiently match and confirm trade details on trade date, increasing transparency and reducing risk....
February 19, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

ALERT: Maintaining SSIs for Sell-Side Clients

Target audience:  Existing and new ALERT sell-side users. Course description: This training session is designed to review, reinforce and upgrade users' existing knowledge of the ALERT platform. Topics covered include an overview of ALERT, managing settlement data, handling invalid or outdated settlement instructions, knowing the best practice guidelines for market instructions to generating...
February 25, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

ALERT: Maintaining SSIs for Buy-Side Clients

Target audience:  Existing ALERT buy-side clients Course description: This training session is designed to review, reinforce and upgrade users' existing knowledge of the ALERT platform. Topics covered include an overview of ALERT, managing settlement data, handling invalid or outdated settlement instructions, knowing the best practice guidelines for market instructions to generating helpful...
February 26, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

CTM UI: CTM Matching Concepts

Target audience:Broker/dealer and Investment Manager users of CTM User Interface (UI) who are looking to gain a deeper understanding of how the CTM matching process works. Course description:CTM is a central matching solution allowing broker/dealers and investment managers to efficiently match and confirm trade details on trade date, increasing transparency and reducing risk. Understanding how...
March 04, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

CTM UI: Manage Your Trade Exceptions

Target audience: - Broker/dealers and investment managers who use the CTM User Interface (UI) to manage the trades that are sent to CTM from their own internal system (i.e. not using the manual entry functionality)- Users who have limited/no experience with the CTM UICourse description:One of the benefits of the CTM solution is that it allows users to catch trade matching exceptions prior to...
March 11, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

Manage My Services for ITP Product Administrators

Target audience:  This webinar is intended for new and existing Product Administrators who are responsible for managing Product and Data Authentication Administrators and users’ access to DTCC systems: MyDTCC and Institutional Trade Processing (ITP) Services. Course description: As a Product Administrator you are responsible for authorizing, administering, monitoring, and revoking access...
March 12, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

Manage My Services for ITP Product Administrators

Target audience:  This webinar is intended for new and existing Product Administrators who are responsible for managing Product and Data Authentication Administrators and users’ access to DTCC systems: MyDTCC and Institutional Trade Processing (ITP) Services. Course description: As a Product Administrator you are responsible for authorizing, administering, monitoring, and revoking access...
March 16, 2025 10:00pm (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour

CTM UI: Manually Enter Your Trades

Target audience:- Clients who use the CTM User Interface (UI) to manually enter trades to match with those of their counterparties- Users who have limited/no experience with the CTM UI Course description:CTM is a central matching solution allowing broker/dealers and investment managers to efficiently match and confirm trade details on trade date, increasing transparency and reducing risk....
March 18, 2025 10:00am (America/New York)
Duration: 1 hour
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