You are reporting derivatives trade data to FINMA under the FINFraG regulation.

GTR Switzerland (FINMA) Trade Reporting Overview

Single-sided reporting of your trade data is mandatory for Switzerland (FINMA) jurisdiction. There are two ways to submit data to meet this requirement:

  • Submitter (Direct Reporting): The trade party reports their trades directly.
  • Non-Submitter (Delegated Reporting): One of the trade parties delegates their reporting to the other trade party, or a third party.

FinfraG Portal availability under the REFIT Portal in PSE and PROD

What happens in PSE on March 29, 2024?
  • EOD reports will be transferred (Users will have access to older reports).
  • BDR’s will not be transferred  (Users will NOT have access to older BDR reports).
  • Billing reports will be transferred (Users will have access to older reports).
  • Regulator reports will be transferred (Users will have access to older reports).
What happens in PROD on April 29, 2024?
  • EOD reports will be transferred (Users will have access to older reports).
  • BDR’s will not be transferred  (Users will NOT have access to older BDR reports) – As an alternative, as we have Portal (BAU) running in parallel for a month, the clients can still download older BDRs from “GTR EU Portal (Pre-REFIT)”.
  • Billing reports will be transferred (Users will have access to older reports).

Regulator reports will be transferred (Users will have access to older reports).

Implementation Guide: FinfraG Reporting

July 11, 2018

EU Lite/ FinfraG Message Specification (Prod)

October 05, 2023

FinfraG Report Samples

October 24, 2021

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EU Lite/ FinfraG Message Specification (Prod)

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FinfraG Report Samples

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Implementation Guide: FinfraG Reporting

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet mauris ac purus imperdiet accumsan id sed nisi. Donec ut pulvinar arcu.
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