Statistical Report File Format
If the date is less than 31 days, ACATS downloads the report with a file name using the REPORT_NAME.DYYMMDD.HHMMSS.xls format, where:
- REPORT_NAME = Abbreviated name identifying the report. Aggregated reports are appended with AGG_.
- DYYMMDD.HHMMSS = Date ACATS generated the report in year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds format. For example, D160602.021037 represents June 2, 2016 at 2:10:37 PM.
If you request more than one report and the date is less than 31 days, ACATS downloads a zip file containing the reports.
If the date range is greater than 31 days, ACATS stores the report with a file name using the P0122.AR02152###.DYYMMDD.C##.xls format, where:
- P0122 = Participant number
- 02152### = Number associated with a specific report, as show in the table.
- DYYMMDD = Date ACATS generated the report in year, month, day format. For example, D160602 represents June 2, 2016.
- C## = Cycle number used to distinguish reports generated on the same date.