ACATS Output Reports
To access an ACATS output report:
From the ACATS Home Page, click Reports. You can also choose ACATS Output > Reports from the drop-down list displayed at the top of the page.
ACATS Home Page: Reports The ACATS Output Reports page appears.
- In the Participant Number field, type or select from the drop-down list the four-digit participant number to search for the participant. If you are logged in as a service bureau, this field becomes a drop-down list that contains all participant numbers to which you have access.
- Click Submit.
- To view reports, click the check box next to the report or the file name hyperlink for the report that you want to view. You can select more than one report.
- Click Display Selected.
- After generating a report, it is available in ACATS for seven calendar days.
- If a specific report does not appear at the expected time, check again at a later time.
The ACATS Output Reports page displays the available report files.
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